Both a skilled carpenter and a perfectionist, Jaxson was very attentive to numbers. Exact measurements were always important and his wood orders were down to the inch. Indeed, in every aspect of his life, Jaxson relied on and took notice of numbers.
This trait was especially significant when he remembered and relived his only romantic relationship. Since they had met on July 17 and broke up on August 18, two years later, the numbers 717 and 818 were of special importance to him and he noticed them everywhere, especially on billboards, license plates and the access codes sent by his bank. Their appearance in his life made him think of Kate and offered reassurance that she might be thinking of him as well. Of even more significance was a number that blended their birthdates; since he was born on June 10 and she on October 27, the number 61027 was highly sought but observed only once, on the back of a UPS truck. Eventually, he paid for his own license plate, emblazed with that number.
Now approaching fifty, Jaxson had never married and remained hopeful that he and Kate might reconnect. With a little online research, he found her cell phone number and kept it among those of his family members and friends. One day he would call her, perhaps on her birthday or on July 17. He had learned through mutual friends that she was married, with kids of her own, but hoped she might still be glad to hear from him, even after thirty-four years, six months and twelve days.